Confucius is credited with the line: "A journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step". What would he have said about my pending journey of 10,572 miles? This one began with an idea. An idea that a journey of such a length would satisfy the soul, or, even a more basic urge to wander.
I think both are appropriate. While I do love to travel, meeting the young lady I have been sponsoring for so long, seeing her and her family, and maybe just walking with her and listening to her thoughts and dreams would certainly satisfy my soul.
I am scheduled to meet Maricar and her family on the day after I arrive in Dumaguete. I have spent the last few weeks imagining that meeting. Maricar does speak limited English, but I thought a greeting in Cebuano would be a good ice breaker. I have learned how to say “Maayong hapon kainyong tanan”…..good afternoon to all of you.
I don’t know if she will bow, extend her hand to me, or accept a hug. Will the moment be awkward? What if we both freeze like deer in headlights? Will I stammer like Jackie Gleason did on “The Honeymooners” when Alice caught him in a lie?
I have been wished well, wished safe, wished strength, and wished Godspeed by all of my friends and relatives. Most of them probably walked away after the wishes thinking: “he must be nuts”.
I think not.
I think it is one of the sanest things I have ever done.
The jury is still out. Next: JFK to LAX and 7 hours later, on to Guam, Manila and Dumaguete.
If you're nuts, then so was I. It must run in the family :-)
Maybe they speak Yiddish in Dumaguette.
I was really concerned about the reaction the two of you would have when meeting each other. Obviously there was no need.
So happy the trip is going well for you.
See you when you get back.
You are a remarkable person.
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